Thursday, October 23, 2014

Have fun and laugh!!

Halloween Jokes for Kids

  1. What does a ghost do to stay safe in a car? — He puts on his sheet belt.
  2. Why did the witches cancel their baseball game? — They couldn’t find their bats.
  3. What do monsters turn on in the summer time? — The scare conditioner.
  4. Why is it safe to tell a mummy your secret? — It’ll keep it under wraps.
  5. Why was the jack-o-lantern afraid to cross the road? — It had no guts.
  6. What is a scarecrows favorite fruit? — STRAW-berries.
  7. What is the best way to speak to a monster? — From a long distance away!
  8. Where do baby ghosts go during the day? — Day-scare centers.
  9. What do birds say on Halloween? — Twick o Tweet.
  10. What is the most important subject a witch learns in school? — Spelling.
  11. What kind of roads do ghosts haunt? — Dead ends.
  12. How do you make a witch itch? —  Take away the W
  13. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the ball? — Because he had no BODY to go with.
  14. What do witches put on their hair? Scare spray.
  15. Why don’t ghosts like rain? — It dampens their spirits.
  16. What did the scarecrow say to the kid dressed up as corn? — That costume is a-MAZE-ing.
  17. What candy do you eat on the playground? — Recess pieces.
  18. Why do witches wear name tags? — So they will know which witch is which.
  19. Why didn’t the scarecrow eat dinner? — He was already stuffed.
  20. What kind of monster loves to disco? — The boogieman.
  21. Why do people like vampires so much? — Because they are FANGtastic.
  22. What does a cool witch ride instead of a motorcycle? — A Brrrrrr – oomstick.
  23. How do you make a skeleton laugh? — Tickle its funny bone.

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