Today's Olweus meeting focused on strategies we could use when we disagree or have a difference of opinions with a friend. We began our discussion by reading the book, Friends Mostly by Barbara Joosse. After, we worked with a partner to share a solution or strategy to a scenario such as "You and a friend are working on a drawing of a tree and your friend wants to color the leaves purple and you want to color the leaves green." or "You are playing with a toy and leave to get a tissue and when you come back someone else is playing with the toy and won't give you your turn back." Finally, we made a list of strategies to use in our classroom community.
Here the list of strategies we brainstormed:
What To Do When We Disagree
Use an "I" message
Ask a trusted adult for help
Stop and make a plan
Take turns
Take a break
Change the activity
Accept "no" if it is said kindly
Have a conversation
Remind people about their promises
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